
A Secure Element is a tamper proof device, providing a secure storage and execution environment for sensitive data and processing. It offers both physical and logical protection against attacks, ensuring integrity and confidentiality of its content. Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is out of scope of this specification.

This specification defines a communication interface between a web application and a Secure Element. It makes no assumption on the Secure Element type, application domain or physical communication media.

Status of This Document

This is a work-in-progress specification. Implementers are informed that this API may change without providing any backward compatibility at this stage. If you are interested in implementing or using this API, we encourage you to contact the editors.

See Changes section for history details.

1. Introduction

This section is non-normative.

The API defined herein allows applications to interact with Secure Elements. Considered Secure Elements are those complying to [ ISO7816-4], which defines a command/response protocol, based on structured APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit).

1.1 Technical Background

Secure Elements addressed by this specification are microcontrollers that may come in different form factors, such as:

Similarly to a computer, a Secure Element may host one or multiple applications. Typical applications are mobile network authentication (SIM cards), payment (credit cards), authentication and signature (corporate badges, eID, etc.), loyalty, ticketing (public transports). These are only examples; many other applications have been and can be deployed.

Applications hosted by the Secure Elements are called on-card applications. On-card applications have a limited, if any, user interface. An application can be useful with an off-card application part, which handles the dialog with the user or with external computing resources. Examples of off-card applications are ATM for payment, mail applications for signature, access control doors for authentication, etc. This specification defines the API to be used by off-card applications based on web technologies.

1.2 Use Cases

This specification shows how to develop web applications making use of these Secure Element applications. Some typical use cases that applications can address based on this API include:

Whatever the form factor listed above, Secure Element considered in this specification implements the same [ISO7816-4] transport protocol. The physical media (USB, NFC or any other wired or wireless technique) used in this communication is abstracted by the API defined in this specification.

1.3 Relationship to W3C APIs

This specification, although addressing some concepts similar to several W3C specifications, has distinct use cases and offer different level of services:

2. Conformance

As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.

The key words MAY, MUST, and MUST NOT are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

This specification defines conformance criteria that apply to a single product: the user agent that implements the interfaces that it contains.

Implementations that use ECMAScript to implement the APIs defined in this specification MUST implement them in a manner consistent with the ECMAScript Bindings defined in the Web IDL specification [WEBIDL], as this specification uses that specification and terminology.

3. Dependencies

This specification depends on interfaces and concepts defined in the following specifications.

[HTML]: event handler.

[DOM4]: the Event and DOMException interfaces, the concept of firing an event.

[ES6]: the Promise object type.

[RFC6454]: The concepts of origin and same-origin, as well as the algorithm for serializing an origin.

[GP-AC]: The Access Rules and Access Control Enforcer (ACE) concepts.

[GP]: The Supplementary Logical Channel concept.

Some Secure Element concepts are defined in ISO/IEC specifications:

4. Security and Privacy Considerations

This section is non-normative.

Using a Secure Element may bring additional security to a web application, but is not sufficient to ensure the application is secure. In particular, developers using the Secure Element API should be aware of the following security considerations:

5. Secure Element Services

This section is non-normative.

Communication with a Secure Element is performed through a reader, which unlike its name suggests it not only able to read content from Secure Element, but also to write or send any application specific command. Given the removal nature of many Secure Elements, a reader may be empty, meaning that no Secure Element is connected to this reader. For instance, a USB smart card reader may be connected to a computer but no smart card is inserted or a device may support NFC interactions with Secure Elements but none is in the field. For this reason, the API provides a means to query the list of available readers and for each of them if they are empty or if a Secure Element is present. In addition, this specification defines events that are triggered when a Secure Element is connected to a reader and also when it is disconnected.

Once a web application is informed that a reader has a connected Secure Element, it can open a session with it. Opening a session establishes the communication between the web application and the Secure Element and provides a session object to the application. However a Secure Element is just an application container, the web application still needs to identify the application with which it wants to communicate.

To this intent, the session object provides a means to open a channel with a specific on-card application, which is uniquely identified by an AID. The web application runtime and the Secure Element may then perform some internal security checking to ensure the web application is allowed to connect to this on-card application. If authorized, the returned channel object is the one providing the method to send commands to the on-card application and get the corresponding responses.

The above steps required to send a command to a Secure Element create a set of chained objects. A reader may have several opened sessions, which may have several opened channels. Each object has a close() method to release all resources associated to the target object, which invokes the close() method on each underlying object in the chain.

Class graph
Fig. 1 The figure above represents the class relationships between the Secure Element entities introduced in this specification.

6. Access Control

In order to make sure only authorized web applications are allowed to use the Secure Element, the web application runtime MUST use the access control defined in [GP-AC], which defines a simple mechanism that protects legitimate users using non-compromised devices from malicious applications. Note that it does not protect from a compromised device that would not properly implement the Access Control Enforcer, which is addressed by the internal protection of the Secure Element itself (using e.g. PIN or secure messaging). The interface between the web application runtime and the Access Control Enforcer is out of scope of this specification.

6.1 Overall Architecture

To control which applications running on a user device are allowed to access on-card applications, several entities are involved:

Class graph
Fig. 2 The figure above shows the overall access control architecture.

Sections below describe how the GlobalPlatform Access Control is applied to web applications. Details of the GlobalPlatform Access Control mechanisms itself are defined in [GP-AC].

6.2 Client Application Identifier

The Access Control Enforcer uses an application identifier to check whether the off-card application is white listed in Access Rules. This identifier needs to be trustworthy so that only authorized applications may have a given identifier. The web application runtime computes the application identifier using the following algorithm:

All applications that have the same origin will get the same application identifier, hence will be granted the same access rules.

While applying the GlobalPlatform Access Control process, if the Access Control Enforcer detects that the Secure Element does not implement the GlobalPlatform Access Control (it does not have access rules), the Access Control Enforcer may use its own policy to grant or refuse access to the Secure Element API.

6.3 Additional Security Rules

To be eligible to gain access to the Secure Element API, a web application must meet the following requirements:

7. General Rules for Handling of Status Word

This specification defines handling of status word as defined in ISO 7816 specifications, in order to behave correctly with any secure element application across different sectors (banking, transport, identity, etc.).

7.1 Using Transport layer T=1

The API or the underlying implementation shall handle the protocol T=1 as specified in [ISO7816-3] and returns data (if available) and received status word to the application. The API or underlying implementation shall never automatically issue GET-RESPONSE APDU on reception of any status word.

7.2 Using Transport layer T=0

Unless otherwise specified, when sending command APDU, this specification requires the following management for status word for all the methods defined in this document:

Note that the handling of GET RESPONSE specified above implies that the API or underlying implementation shall handle response data even if it is more than 256 bytes.

9. SecureElementManager Interface

The SecureElementManager interface provides access to Secure Element readers and is the source of events notifying the presence of Secure Elements.

interface SecureElementManager : EventTarget {
    attribute EventHandler? onsepresent;
    attribute EventHandler? onseremoval;
    Promise<Reader[]> getReaders();
    Promise<void>     shutdown();

9.1 Attributes

onsepresent of type EventHandler, nullable
Event handler for the SE-present event. This event MUST be triggered each time any of the following situations occurs:
  • Web application starts while a Secure Element is present in a reader
  • Web application is running, a reader which was already listed in the readers attribute but had no Secure Element now detects the presence of a Secure Element.
  • Web application is running, a new reader is detected and has a Secure Element present.
The event name is sepresent and event type is ReaderEvent.
onseremoval of type EventHandler, nullable
Event handler for the SE-removal event. This event MUST be triggered when a Secure Element which was present in a reader is no longer present (Meaning it has been unplugged or is out of reach if it was connected through wireless communication). As soon as this event is triggered, all Session and Channel objects providing access to this Secure Element are marked as closed. The event name is seremoval and event type is ReaderEvent.

9.2 Methods

This method MUST return the list of available readers in which a Secure Element may be present. Its value MUST be an empty array if no reader is available. It MUST be null if the shutdown() method has been called on this SecureElementManager object. Several invocations of this method MAY return different array values, because new readers may become available, while others may be disconnected.

This method closes all sessions and channels opened from this SecureElementManager object and releases other potential internal resources. When invoked, the user agent MUST run the following steps:

  1. Let promise be a newly-created Promise object.
  2. Return promise and continue the following steps asynchronously.
  3. If the shutdown() method has already been called on this object, then resolve promise.
  4. Let countdown be the number of readers in the readers attribute and error an object initially undefined.
  5. Invoke closeSessions() method on each Reader object in the array returned by the readers attribute.
  6. Let readerpromises be the set of Promise objects returned by these closeSessions() invocations.
  7. Set the readers attribute value to null.
  8. If countdown is 0, then resolve promise with this SecureElementManager object.
  9. When a readerpromises element is fulfilled, countdown is decremented. If countdown is 0 and error is undefined, then resolve promise. If countdown is 0 and error is not undefined, then reject promise with the error value.
  10. When a readerpromises element is rejected, countdown is decremented. If error is undefined then set it to the rejected value. If countdown is 0 then reject promise with error value.

9.3 Events

The sepresent and seremoval events are of type ReaderEvent.

[Constructor(DOMString type, optional ReaderEventInit eventInitDict),
interface ReaderEvent : Event {
    readonly attribute Reader reader;

9.3.1 Attributes

ReaderEvent.reader of type Reader, readonly
The reader on which the Secure Element event occurred

9.3.2 Constructor Parameters

dictionary ReaderEventInit : EventInit {
    Reader reader;
ReaderEventInit.reader of type Reader
The event's reader attribute value

10. Reader Interface

Readers connected to this device are accessible through the Reader interface. A reader is the connector to a Secure Element. Given the removable nature of some Secure Elements, a reader may or may not have a Secure Element present. A reader may only have at most one present Secure Element. A reader MAY for instance be a UICC slot, a USB smart card reader, an NFC interface or a mother board slot where a embedded Secure Element is wired.

interface Reader {
    readonly attribute boolean           isSEPresent;
    readonly attribute DOMString         name;
    readonly attribute SecureElementType secureElementType;
    readonly attribute boolean           isRemovable;
    Promise<Session> openSession();
    Promise<void>    closeSessions();

10.1 Attributes

isSEPresent of type boolean, readonly
This attribute MUST return true if a Secure Element is present in this reader. It MUST return false otherwise.
name of type DOMString, readonly
This attribute MUST return the name of the reader. This is an arbitrary name set by the system. It MAY be computed based on reader provided data.
secureElementType of type SecureElementType, readonly
This attribute MUST return the SecureElementType value best matching the type of the Secure Element this reader gives access to. This information may be useful for applications that target a specific Secure Element type. It may also be used to build the application user interface, to represent the Secure Element in a realistic way.
isRemovable of type boolean, readonly
This attribute MUST return true if the Secure Element cannot be detached without powering down the device.

10.2 Methods

This method establishes a communication link with a Secure Element. There may be several sessions opened at the same time: no session shall lock access to the Secure Element.
This method closes all sessions opened through this reader object. This also closes their associated channels.

10.3 SecureElementType Enum

The SecureElementType enum identifies the type of the Secure Element a reader gives access to.

enum SecureElementType {
Enumeration description

The Secure Element is a UICC used by the device to connect to a mobile network.


The Secure Element is a smart card (contactless, contact or USB token).


The Secure Element is embedded in the device.


The Secure Element is a SD card and may be unplugged.


For any other Secure Element type not listed above.

11. Session Interface

A Session represents a connection session to one of the Secure Elements available on the device. These objects can be used to open and close communication channels with an on-card application.

interface Session {
    readonly attribute Reader      reader;
    readonly attribute Uint8Array? atr;
    Promise<Channel> openBasicChannel(Uint8Array? aid, optional octet p2);
    Promise<Channel> openSupplementaryChannel(Uint8Array? aid,
                                              optional octet p2);
    Promise<void>    close();

11.1 Attributes

reader of type Reader, readonly
This attribute MUST return the reader object from which this session object was created.
atr of type Uint8Array, readonly, nullable
This attribute MUST return the Answer to Reset provided by the Secure Element or null if the Secure Element does not provide one.

11.2 Methods


This methods opens the basic logical channel and selects an on-card application. Once this channel has been opened by an off-card application, it is considered to be "locked" to other applications: any other call to this method will fail with SENoChannelException error until this basic channel is closed. Some Secure Elements might always deny opening a basic channel.

If the aid parameter is not null, the underlying implementation of this operation shall send a SELECT command to the Secure Element, as defined in [ISO7816-4], with following header values:

  • CLA = ‘0x00’
  • INS = ‘0xA4’
  • P1 =‘0x04’ (Select by DF name/application identifier)
  • P2 = p2 parameter if present, ‘0x00’ otherwise (First or only occurrence).

If aid is null, then no SELECT command is sent, the channel is opened on the default selected on-card application.

This method will trigger the Access Control Enforcer to check the requesting off-card application is authorized to open such channel.

For the SELECT command the API shall handle received status word as defined in section 7, except that for T=0 protocol the GET RESPONSE shall also be sent in case of SW warning (‘62 XX’ or ‘63 XX’). If the status word for the SELECT command indicates that the SE was able to open a channel (status word ‘90 00’ or status words referencing a warning), the API shall keep the channel open and the channel's openResponse attribute shall return the status word for the SELECT command together with data, if any data is received.

Other status words for the SELECT command which indicate that the SE was not able to open a channel shall be considered as an error and the corresponding channel shall not be opened.

Parameter Type Nullable Optional Description
aid Uint8Array This parameter value MUST either be:
  • The complete Application Identifier of the targeted on-card application;
  • A partial Application Identifier matching a set of targeted on-card applications. The application with the first matching AID shall be selected;
  • null if the implicitly selected application on this channel shall be selected.
p2 octet The P2 parameter of the SELECT APDU executed for this channel. Except for specific needs, it is recommended to omit this method parameter. The device should allow all values for P2, however only the following values are mandatory: ‘00’, ‘04’, ‘08’, ‘0C’ (as defined in [ISO7816-4]).

This methods opens a supplementary logical channel and selects an on-card application. The Secure Element shall open the next available supplementary logical channel. If no more supplementary logical channel is available, this method MUST fail with SENoChannelException error.

If the aid parameter is not null, the underlying implementation of this operation MUST send to the Secure Element a SELECT command, as defined in [ISO7816-4], with following header values:

  • CLA = ‘0x01’ to ‘0x03’, ‘0x40 to 0x4F’ (as chosen by the Secure Element)
  • INS = ‘0xA4’
  • P1 =‘0x04’ (Select by DF name/application identifier)
  • P2 = p2 parameter if present, ‘0x00’ otherwise (First or only occurrence).

If aid is null, then no SELECT is sent, the channel is opened on the default selected on-card application. In the case of a UICC it is recommended that the API rejects the opening of the supplementary logical channel without a specific AID.

This method will trigger the Access Control Enforcer to check the requesting off-card application is authorized to open such channel.

For the SELECT command the API shall handle received status word as defined in section 7, except that for T=0 protocol the GET RESPONSE shall also be sent in case of SW warning (‘62 XX’ or ‘63 XX’). If the status word for the SELECT command indicates that the SE was able to open a channel (status word ‘90 00’ or status words referencing a warning), the API shall keep the channel open and the channel's openResponse attribute shall return the status word for the SELECT command together with data, if any data is received.

Other status words for the SELECT command which indicate that the SE was not able to open a channel shall be considered as an error and the corresponding channel shall not be opened.

Parameter Type Nullable Optional Description
aid Uint8Array This parameter value MUST either be:
  • The complete Application Identifier of the targeted on-card application;
  • A partial Application Identifier matching a set of targeted on-card applications. The application with the first matching AID shall be selected;
  • null if the implicitly selected application on this channel shall be selected.
p2 octet The P2 parameter of the SELECT APDU executed for this channel. Except for specific needs, it is recommended to omit this method parameter. The device should allow all values for P2, however only the following values are mandatory: ‘00’, ‘04’, ‘08’, ‘0C’ (as defined in [ISO7816-4]).
This method closes the connection session to the Secure Element. This will close any channels opened through this session object. Invoking close() method on an already closed session has no effect. Calling any other method on this object MUST fail with an SEClosedException error.

12. Channel Interface

A Channel represents an [ISO7816-4] channel opened to a Secure Element. It can be either a supplementary logical channel or the basic logical channel. It can be used to send commands to and receive responses from an on-card application.

interface Channel {
    readonly attribute Session     session;
    readonly attribute ChannelType channelType;
    readonly attribute SEResponse? openResponse;
    Promise<SEResponse> selectNext();
    Promise<SEResponse> transmit(SECommand cmd);
    Promise<Uint8Array> transmitRaw(Uint8Array cmd);
    Promise<void>       close();

12.1 Attributes

session of type Session, readonly
This attribute MUST return the session object from which this Channel object was created.
channelType of type ChannelType, readonly
This attribute MUST return this channel type.
openResponse of type SEResponse, readonly, nullable
This attribute MUST return the Secure Element's response to the channel opening operation. It MUST be null if the channel was opened on the default on-card application (no AID was provided in the open channel operation).

12.2 Methods

Updates the targeted on-card application of this channel to be the next one matching the partial Application Identifier passed when this channel was open. Invoking this method MUST fail with an SEInvalidStateException error if this channel was not open with a partial AID or with an SENoApplicationException error if there is no next application matching that partial AID. In that case the application associated to this channel is unchanged. If a next application has been found and associated to this channel, this operation succeeds and returns the Secure Element's response.

For the SELECT command the API shall handle received status word as defined in section 7, except that for T=0 protocol the GET RESPONSE shall also be sent in case of SW warning (‘62 XX’ or ‘63 XX’). If the status word for the SELECT command indicates that the SE was able to open a channel (status word ‘90 00’ or status words referencing a warning), the API shall keep the channel open and the channel's openResponse attribute shall return the status word for the SELECT command together with data, if any data is received.


This method transmits a command to the Secure Element. The user agent MUST ensure the synchronisation between all the concurrent calls to this method: a command MUST NOT be sent to a Secure Element while a response is still pending on any channel from this same Secure Element.

This method will trigger the Access Control Enforcer to check the requesting off-card application is authorized to send such command on this channel.

The channel information in the class byte in the APDU command will be ignored. The system MAY modify the class byte of the command to ensure the APDU is transported on this channel. To ensure the invoking web application does not exit from the scope of this channel, the user agent MUST reject the following commands with SEInvalidValueException error value:

  • SELECT by DF Name (INS=0xA4 and P1=04)
Parameter Type Nullable Optional Description
cmd SECommand The command to send to the on-card application.

This method behaves exactly as the transmit method above, except that both its parameter and the response are passed as a raw binary data. Before transmitting the command to the Secure Element, the implementation of this method MUST set the logical channel in the class byte of the command so that it fits the channel allocated to this Channel object.

This method will trigger the Access Control Enforcer to check the requesting off-card application is authorized to send such command on this channel.

Parameter Type Nullable Optional Description
cmd Uint8Array The raw command to send to the on-card application. The channel information in the class byte of the command (first octet of the cmd data) will be ignored.
Closes this channel object. If the method is called when the channel is already closed, this method shall be ignored. The close() method shall wait for completion of any pending transmit() operation before closing the channel.

If the channel is not the basic channel, then a MANAGE CHANNEL Close (P1=0x80) command shall be sent to the Secure Element for closing the channel.

If the channel is the basic channel, then the following procedure must be followed for closing the channel:

  1. Send a MANAGE CHANNEL Reset (P1=0x40) command, as defined by [ ISO7816-4].
  2. If previous command is not supported by the card (i.e. card returns an error SW), then SELECT by DF Name (P1=0x04; P2=0x00) command shall be sent with an empty AID (Lc=0x00). All data returned for the SELECT by DF Name command shall be discarded.

In all cases the last SW of the MANAGE CHANNEL Close, MANAGE CHANNEL Reset, or SELECT by DF Name command shall be ignored and the channel object shall be closed by the API. Calling any other method on this channel object MUST then fail with an SEClosedException error.

12.3 ChannelType Enum

The ChannelType enum identifies the type of the Secure Element channel.

enum ChannelType {
Enumeration description

Basic logical channel, as defined in [ISO7816-4] (channel number 0).


Supplementary logical channel, as defined in [GP] (channel number > 0).

13. SECommand Interface

The SECommand interface represents an APDU command that can be sent to a Secure Element.

[Constructor(octet cla, octet ins, octet p1, octet p2, optional Uint8Array data, optional octet le)]
interface SECommand {
    attribute octet          cla;
    attribute octet          ins;
    attribute octet          p1;
    attribute octet          p2;
    attribute Uint8Array?    data;
    attribute unsigned short le;

13.1 Attributes

cla of type octet
Class byte.
ins of type octet
Instruction byte.
p1 of type octet
First octet of the parameter bytes.
p2 of type octet
Second octet of the parameter bytes.
data of type Uint8Array, nullable
Data field bytes or null if command has no data.
le of type unsigned short
The length of the expected response data or -1 if application does not require a specific length.

14. SEResponse Interface

The SEResponse interface represents an APDU response received from a Secure Element.

[Constructor(Uint8Array raw)]
interface SEResponse {
    readonly attribute Channel    channel;
    readonly attribute octet      sw1;
    readonly attribute octet      sw2;
    readonly attribute Uint8Array data;
    boolean isStatus(octet? sw1, octet? sw2);

14.1 Attributes

channel of type Channel, readonly
This attribute MUST return the channel object that was used to transmit the command which triggered this response object.
sw1 of type octet, readonly
First octet of response's status word
sw2 of type octet, readonly
Second octet of response's status word
data of type Uint8Array, readonly
The response's data field bytes

14.2 Methods

Utility method to test the status word of an APDU response. This method MUST return true if the parameters match the value of the response.
Parameter Type Nullable Optional Description
sw1 octet Value to compare to the first octet of response's status word or null if this first octet may have any value.
sw2 octet Value to compare to the second octet of response's status word or null if this second octet may have any value.

15. Error Types

In the interfaces defined above, some method return a Promise object. If an error occurs during the execution of any of these methods, the reject() method of promise's resolver will be invoked with an error value of one of the following DOMException subtypes:

The requested operation does not match the Secure Element access conditions, as defined in Access Control section
Communication error
The target object was not in the proper state to execute the operation
The method was invoked with an incorrect parameter value
Tentative to open a channel failed because no channel is available
The requested on-card application was not found on the Secure Element
The operation could not be fulfilled because the target object is closed
Internal error, no further details available

16. Code Example

The javascript code excerpt below shows how a web application can wait for a card to be present and send it an APDU command:

Example 1
// my application identifier
var myAppId = ...;
// my application command
var myAppCmd = new SECommand(...);

// get Secure Element manager
var seMgr = navigator.secureElementManager;

// register sepresent event handler
seMgr.onsepresent = function(event) {

  // open session

    function (session) {
      // open a basic logical channel to my application
      return session.openBasicChannel(myAppID);


    function (channel) {
      // send APDU to my application
      return channel.transmit(myAppCmd);


    function (response) {
      if (!response.isStatus(0x90, 0x00) {
        // this might be an error
        // ...


For simplicity and readability reasons, the code above omits the error handling that would have to be implemented in a real application.

A. Changes

The complete list of changes can be viewed on Github. You can also check the issues.

B. References

B.1 Normative references

Anne van Kesteren; Aryeh Gregor; Ms2ger; Alex Russell; Robin Berjon. W3C. W3C DOM4. 19 November 2015. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/dom/
Ecma International. ECMA-262, 6th Edition / Draft January 20, 2014. Draft. URL: http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/index.html
ETSI. ETSI. TR 102 216 : Smart cards; Vocabulary for Smart Card Platform specifications. URL: https://webapp.etsi.org/workprogram/Report_WorkItem.asp?WKI_ID=18815&curItemNr=1&totalNrItems=1&optDisplay=10&qSORT=HIGHVERSION&qETSI_STANDARD_TYPE=%27TR%27&qETSI_NUMBER=102+216
GlobalPlatform. GlobalPlatform. Card specifications. URL: https://www.globalplatform.org/specificationscard.asp
GlobalPlatform. GlobalPlatform. Secure Element Access Control. URL: https://www.globalplatform.org/specificationsdevice.asp
Ian Hickson. WHATWG. HTML Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/
ISO/IEC. ISO. 7816-3 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 3: Cards with contacts -- Electrical interface and transmission protocols. URL: http://www.iso.org/iso/fr/home/store/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=38770
ISO/IEC. ISO. 7816-4 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 4: Organization, security and commands for interchange. URL: http://www.iso.org/iso/home/store/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=54550
ISO/IEC. ISO. 7816-5 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 5: Registration of application providers. URL: http://www.iso.org/iso/home/store/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=34259
S. Bradner. IETF. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119
A. Barth. IETF. The Web Origin Concept. December 2011. Proposed Standard. URL: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6454
Cameron McCormack; Boris Zbarsky. W3C. WebIDL Level 1. 8 March 2016. W3C Candidate Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL-1/

B.2 Informative references

W3C Near Field Communications (NFC) Community Group. W3C. Web NFC. URL: https://www.w3.org/community/web-nfc/
W3C Web Cryptography Working Group. W3C. Web Cryptography API. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/WebCryptoAPI/